Welcome to the Open Space World Map.

After including yourself in the Map - your most important contribution - you are invited to make a one-time financial contribution of €35... or less... or more.

Once a year you will be asked to update your entry and your contact details and also be invited to contribute to the Map financially.

Any amount is a good contribution.

Making a contribution is NOT a prerequisite for being included in the Map.

You can also become a lifelong member by making a one-time contribution of €100.

Within the Eurozone, please contribute via direct bank transfer. This avoids charges to sender and recipient.

Here are the details:

Michael M Pannwitz
IBAN: DE 07 5206 0410 0103 7230 46


Outside the Eurozone please make payments via PayPal.

Here you can see all the countries from which you can transfer money via PayPal.